how to create your own website for free

Sharing courses shouldn't be hard.

It's time to ditch bookmark URLs and screenshots. Pull course info within Discord.
Stop taking blurry, pixelated phone pictures or hassling with URLs. Simplify your life.

Rich Embeds
Fast and Responsive
Show Any Course
SMM2 Support (soon)

Get Up and Running

The easiest thing since sliced bread


Add the bot to Discord

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Find a course to look up

We only accept Super Mario Maker 1 courses at the time.


View your course in rich embeds

Run n!mariomaker XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. You should see your course, beautifully displayed in Discord!

Commands List

How do I work this thing!?!?


Lists all the commands in one easy to read embed, just like in here!

n!mariomaker <COURSE ID>

Lookup a level and display it directly into Discord with rich embeds and detailed info!

n!mariomaker largethumbnail <COURSE ID>

Enlarges the thumbnail of a course.


Lists all the libraries used to make Nerdtendo, creator info, and our Discord server.

Ditch screenshots. Show off your courses.

Get Nerdtendo.